What a remarkable year it was which shocked the entire world, changed our lifestyle and way of living and the entire world has the same goal that covid-19 need to go to zero, so It has been one hell of a ride, this year known as 2020 but finally I have stepped into 2021 and this is the perfect time to look and go over all the bad and good things I went through.First of all the ...
This year has not turned out as I had expected but it was accompanied by unexpected incidents and epidemic of novel corona virus and as per the current scenario it feels like we are not getting away of this very soon. It has been more than five months the world have isolated and minimized the mobilization to safeguard ourselves, our family and nation and to break the chain ...
In the hours of this pandemic face mask can make a difference, wearing your mask can help slow, and eventually stop the spread of COVID-19. Currently the market is flooded with face masks and it became a tough job to choose the right one. Masks are available in market pricing from Rs 5 to 500 which includes masks those are mean for one time use and others where plastic materials ...
Thoughts on my 28th Birthday
Though my birthday was two days ago I am still wondering, how in earth I am 28 years old? Time flies away so quickly and did not realized that I have grown up this much. I am one year more older by turning over a page of my life. This year I did not celebrate because of pandemic period and I did not want any gathering in my house. Well my journey of last 28 years ...