A letter to my 16 year old self

dear me, letter to myself , letter to my past,

Dear me,

Hello young man, how are you doing? I know you are anxiously waiting to know , who wrote the letter to you? Don’t worry , its only you seven years into the future. I so desperately want to just hold you , guide you in the right path.
You are currently in the 8th grade at school, a backbenches a fun loving mischievous  kid. You hate maths more than anything but believe me, you are going to deal with much tougher maths ahead. I know you wish you could spend all the day by playing sports and video games .

I am not writing this letter to tell you that things are going to change and you will grow so much and I think you already know that. The age of 16 is very sweet and an important and delicate stage in everyone’s life. Be careful about each and every step that you take by yourself. You will make a lot of mistakes and your parents will scold you, but you will realize it latter that your mom and dad loves you a lot, they are always proud of you but, they don’t know how to show it to you. They works hard to give you the best life as much they can, to fulfil your needs, they are very concerned about your career and future , that is why they always pretend to be rude on you. But remember , nobody can be the best friends more than your parents .Share with them your every words, be frank and they will guide you on the right path.

Many things are going to change as you already know that, you will be shifting to many different places because of the transferable job of your dad, new people new environment will refresh you in all the way. You will learn different languages, cultures , and traditions. You will learn how to make yourself comfortable in any living
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environment. You have done lots of mistakes and you will regret it latter after seven years. I wish I could have hold you and stopped you from doing those things.But don’t worry , things are going to change, time heals everything and the darkness and greys will pass.

In your 20s , there is an angel you met in your life, that will teach you the meaning of the word ‘Love’ in your life. She is a blessing to you to give you the proof of life. She will be the support of your life and soul. Be good and gentle to her . She will be the  proof of the depth of true love. Her words will inspire you, her giggles will make you smile , her simplicity will melt you and her desire will encourage you to love and live more.

Don’t worry, after school you will be in a great college, you will meet lots of like minded friends , you will be a computer geeks graduating with computer science. You still be at the backbenches but the teachers will prefer you more in most of the techie stuffs. Just put some tiny bit of extra effort in exams and you will be the university topper. .  Don’t listen to the career advice that will never be successful if you don’t go. Make your own choice, do the things you love, and love the things you do, You won’t regret .

Seven years into the future


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