today we had a wonderful a day , we had lots of fun today at school, know what today we got the captainship badge , i mean those who are the captains and vice captains of school, different different houses got the badge of their positions like nameplate,i am a vice captain og tagore house hmmm but dont do anything,,, its cool na? after getting the badge we a feeling like little bit responsible towards school, discipline and other activities.. and i know the school gave us the badges to make me feel us that we are someone special of the school who are responsible for mainly the school activities so that our mischievousness will decrease he he !!
but its not like that, we became more naughty and more mischievous he he, :P :P :P

1 comment:

  1. u'll soon miss these awsome,colourfull,mastifull,frndfull days.......
    always be happy...never ever forget ur frnds...


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