I learnt to live

I always wonder that if there is anyone who is really happy,  who really love their life, who really do what he always wanted to do?
life, inspirational quotes, quote image, life quote image, kajal majhi, kajal, my life my words
Though I am going through a tough time because of my illness, family circumstances, relationship’s puzzle and so on… is there anyone who is really happy leaving everything beyond this world with themselves ? I don’t think so and my problems are nothing when I compare mine with others’ .
When I was a kid I thought life is easy  and life is only going to school,  fun with friends and parent’s love. but I didn’t knew that I was at early point of my life and I knew nothing about it and always want to grow up soon and now in realty I am growing up every day. But actually I don’t want to grow up anymore I want my childhood days because the real world is very complicated.

And yet what I saw is, generally we spend our life like this ,we spend half of our life in education from the age of 3 to 25 we rush to schools then colleges, then job from 26, marriage at 27, planning for baby at 30, then retire at 60 and then seat and wait for death. What I learnt is , We think a lot about tomorrow rather than today and then tomorrow we regret about yesterday  without any clues of today and then at last we realize that we have forgot to today. If you really want to live your life then don’t worry about tomorrow and don’t regret  about your pasts’ did  because tomorrow will not let you live today and past will not let you live the good times that are yet to come. If our present is endowed with darkness is because of our past and that is what we are today , and our future will build with our present. So leave everything and live in present then definitely you would be living a life. Our life always had some choices and our choices represents what we are today, choose the good one as the wrong choices are easy to choose so don’t  mess yourself between good and bad choices , just listen to your heart and choose whatever it says right.

Apart from this what I learnt about happiness is, it doesn’t come with money, status, name, fame or by achieving all your dreams. All It comes from inside that makeover our mind.  I am broken when my loved one fights with me, I cry when my parents scolds me,  I love photography but I feel upset because I don’t have a camera,  I get annoyed with my studies, I don’t get a good sleep when my room’s AC doesn't work, I don’t feel my tongue tasteful with the same meal every day,  I am annoyed with my simple cell phone, I hate God when my wish is not fulfilled and so on.. 

but when I observe my surrounding I am completely melted down to earth,  I see a guy hugged her loved ones when they were fighting and soon they started crying together, I see the slam children’s who have never touched a camera but they are smiling and playing with a toy camera, I see children who don’t have a proper school but still they are studying peacefully under a busy bridge , I see the people who don’t have a home nor a plastic sheet but they sleep peacefully on footpaths,  I see the roadside beggars who don’t have multiple meal but they happily eat dry chapattis with the name of God, I see people don’t have cell phone but they are happy with public calling booth.   And then I don’t complain myself and my life as I feel fortunate because I have those things which lots of people are not having and I learnt how to live and I learnt to be happy.

Nothing is wrong about dreaming but dreaming is necessary to grow and achieve the aims but dreams have no ending. But don’t trap between your past, dreams and future, don’t wait for tomorrow and don’t think of yesterday just take today like your everything, do what your heart says right, love what you do then today and tomorrow both would be yours’ .

I am sharing what 'I Saw and I Learnt' at BlogAdda.com in association with DoRight.in


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