some nature snap from my village

Last week I visited my village, I love that place for its natural beauty,  damn fresh and green environment, I spend more time at outside than in house, specially around the ponds , garden. If anyone whose village does exists in such place, must visit to freshen up your mood.

I love the view of pond there specially when any bird or ducks swim there, here is a snap of large grasses in between the pond,I had to wet my half of the pant to take this snap, :)

after stormy week a clear sunny day 

water between the bushes

the calotropis at the bank of a pond

Green and green , a view of small paddy field

another cute plant at the bank of pond.


  1. Very beautiful pics......I loved the paddy field pic.

  2. thanks @seema, yes that view of paddy field was so eye catching


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