Shave or Crave

Shave or crave, free from stubble, clean shaven men

I wonder why women always prefer their men to have stubble free clean and shaven cheeks? Its really sad for guys like me who is fond to keep long or trimmed beard. Its  about me and my cutepie on our first meet after our commitment, when I usualy used to keep long or unshaved beard from couple of days.

Me: (In the restraunt)Hey! you look cute in this dress!

She: Thank you.. you are looking handsome too dear .

Me:(Perhaps I am handsome) Well.. hmm.. thank you dear.

She: (After the dinner)So. whats your plan now?

Me: lets have  walk together to that park:

She: Give me a tight hug please:

Me: Oh dear, umm.. 

She: Ouch! What you are poking on my cheek!

Me: nope, I didnt poke you anything dear!

She: Uff.. its your beard ullu kahi k. I had told you na to shaven your beard!

Me: Oh I am sorry dear, I was excited to meet you so I forgot about it.

She: There you go, here is a men's parlour please go and shaven up now! it does poke and look dirty! 

(Crazy girl, She wants me to shave on a date )

Oh from then she made me neat and tidy about shaving and I always has to look at the mirror myself properly to ensure have I shaven today or not! :) Girls are really crazy! but it really look a perfect gentle man after shaving.

Hey guys! are you on a date this evening? Then please look yourself at mirror, if not then hurry! otherwise you may have to shave on a date like my situation :P

This post is a part of the 'Shave or Crave' movement in association with


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