My bad weekend

Today was full of hectic and jam packed, usually I don’t wake up at 4:30 ‘O’ Clock but today I has to wake up because I had appointment with Doctor.  I was diagnosed with dry cough and blood from last two years, and generally it occur in between the months of August to December. I thought it may be the problem of my throat, so whenever it occurred I consulted with a ENT doctor.

 Its again occurred but now along with chest pain, and the pain is just like someone is poking a needle above the heart, at that moment I can’t take breath properly as I goes to take breath it pains more so I has to hold my breath for few seconds  . Really horrible na?. Well..  today I went to a cardiologist , he prescribed me some tests ECG, BLOOD TEST, CHEST PA VIEW, URINE TEST, SPUTUM TEST and blah blah!  I feed up by giving blood sample at diagnostic center, they took my blood in three another syringe emmm…. My hand is still paining. Was I giving sample or donating blood? **

*****A very bad weekend for me………………*****

Here are few snaps I took in this week.



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